Introduction to Image Analysis using ImageJ/Fiji

Workshop poster


The Image Analysis Collaboratory is running a workshop over two afternoons: Introduction to image analysis using ImageJ/Fiji. Participation will be limited to ~20 people. The format will be a combination of tutorials and hands-on exercises (you will need a laptop with a decent size screen and admin privileges).


Tuesday 8th October 2024, 1 PM to 5:30 PM
Thursday 10th October 2024, 1 PM to 5:30 PM


Harvard Medical School in Longwood, Boston, MA.




None, except a laptop and interest in learning some bioimage analysis.
If you are already somewhat advanced (you code your own workflows), this level is perhaps not for you.
Participation both days is required—if you can only make it one of the days, please apply for the next workshop.


Introduction to digital image analysis concepts with focus on bio-images in ImageJ/Fiji.


Free of charge.


You apply here:
If you want to be notified for future events and workshops, join our mailing list, if you didn’t already.

Deadline for application:

September 30th, 10am


Mostly based on your short motivation. In case of oversubscription, the available spaces will be distributed evenly between labs and departments.


Our workshops are often oversubscribed by a factor of two or three, so please be considerate to your fellow applicants and let us know well in advance if you are accepted and cannot make it.

Looking forward to see you there,
Federico Gasparoli, Ranit Karmakar, Antoine Ruzette, Maria Theiss, and Simon F. Nørrelykke