"An Fc-SPINK1 fusion protein inhibits pancreatic inflammation in a mouse model"Jeff C. Way, Daniel Heid, Maria Theiss, Simon F. Nørrelykke, ..., Pamela A. SilverbioRxivFeb 2025DOI: 10.1101/2025.02.21.639528
"A novel DNA repair protein, N-Myc downstream regulated gene 1 (NDRG1), links stromal tumour microenvironment to chemoresistance"Nina Kozlova, ..., Antoine A. Ruzette, ..., Simon F. Nørrelykke, ..., Taru MuranenbioRxivJan 2025DOI: 10.1101/2025.01.22.634323
"Global cellular proteo-lipidomic profiling of diverse lysosomal storage disease mutants using nMOST"AcknowledgementScience AdvancesJan 2025DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adu5787
"The crucial role of bioimage analysts in scientific research and publication"Beth A Cimini, ..., Simon F. Nørrelykke, ..., Kevin W. EliceiriJournal of Cell Science, Volume 137, Issue 20Oct 2024DOI: 10.1242/jcs.262322
"Refinement of cryo-EM 3D maps with a self-supervised denoising model: crefDenoiser"Ishaant Agarwal, Joanna Kaczmar-Michalska, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Andrzej J RzepielaIUCrJ, Volume 11, Issue 52024DOI: 10.1107/s2052252524005918
"Cholinergic neurons trigger epithelial Ca2+ currents to heal the gut"AcknowledgementNatureSep 2023DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06627-y
"How Modifications of Corneal Cross-Linking Protocols Influence Corneal Resistance to Enzymatic Digestion and Treatment Depth"Malwina Kowalska, Elisa Mischi, Szymon Stoma, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Sonja Hartnack, Simon A. PotTranslational Vision Science \& Technology, Volume 12, Issue 52023DOI: 10.1167/tvst.12.5.18
"RNAi Screening Uncovers a Synthetic Sick Interaction between CtIP and the BARD1 Tumor Suppressor"Hella A. Bolck, ..., Simon F. Nørrelykke, ..., Antonio PorroCells, Volume 11, Issue 42022DOI: 10.3390/cells11040643
"Image quality measurements and denoising using Fourier Ring Correlations"J. Kaczmar-Michalska, N. R. Hajizadeh, A. J. Rzepiela, Simon F. NørrelykkearXiv, Volume , Issue 2022
"Detecting variation in starch granule size and morphology by high-throughput microscopy and flow cytometry"Mercedes Thieme, Anton Hochmuth, Theresa Elisabeth Ilse, Jose A. Cuesta-Seijo, Szymon Stoma, Roger Meier, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Pai Rosager Pedas, Ilka Braumann, Samuel C. ZeemanCarbohydrate Polymers, Volume 299, Issue 2022DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120169
"Posttranscriptional regulation of the human LDL receptor by the U2-Spliceosome"Paolo Zanoni, Grigorios Panteloglou, Alaa Othman, Joel T Haas, Roger Meier, Antoine Rimbert, Marta Futema, Yara Abou Khalil, Simon F Norrelykke, Andrzej J Rzepiela, othersCirculation research, Volume 130, Issue 1, Pages 80--952022
"Reproducible image handling and analysis"Kota Miura, Simon F. NørrelykkeThe EMBO Journal, Volume 40, Issue 32021DOI: 10.15252/embj.2020105889
"The NEUBIAS Gateway: a hub for bioimage analysis methods and materials"Beth A. Cimini, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Marion Louveaux, Nataša Sladoje, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Julien Colombelli, Kota MiuraF1000Research, Volume 9, Issue 2020DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.24759.1
"Bidirectional Propagation of Signals and Nutrients in Fungal Networks via Specialized Hyphae"Stefanie S. Schmieder, Claire E. Stanley, Andrzej Rzepiela, Dirk van Swaay, Jerica Sabotič, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi, Markus KünzlerCurrent Biology, Volume 29, Issue 22019DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.11.058
"A distinct role of the autonomic nervous system in modulating the function of lymphatic vessels under physiological and tumor-draining conditions"Samia B Bachmann, Denise Gsponer, Javier A Montoya-Zegarra, Martin Schneider, Felix Scholkmann, Carlotta Tacconi, Simon F. Noerrelykke, Steven T Proulx, Michael DetmarCell reports, Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 3305--33142019
"AutoTube: a novel software for the automated morphometric analysis of vascular networks in tissues"Javier A. Montoya-Zegarra, Erica Russo, Peter Runge, Maria Jadhav, Ann-Helen Willrodt, Szymon Stoma, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Michael Detmar, Cornelia HalinAngiogenesis, Volume 22, Issue 22019DOI: 10.1007/s10456-018-9652-3
"Quantitative spatial analysis of haematopoiesis-regulating stromal cells in the bone marrow microenvironment by 3D microscopy"Alvaro Gomariz, ..., Simon F. Nørrelykke, ..., César Nombela-ArrietaNature Communications, Volume 9, Issue 12018DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04770-z
"Mechanisms of tumor-induced lymphovascular niche formation in draining lymph nodes"Catharina D Commerford, Lothar C Dieterich, Yuliang He, Tanja Hell, Javier A Montoya-Zegarra, Simon F. Noerrelykke, Erica Russo, RöCell reports, Volume 25, Issue 13, Pages 3554--35632018
"VEGF-A Regulates Cellular Localization of SR-BI as Well as Transendothelial Transport of HDL but Not LDL"Srividya Velagapudi, ..., Simon Flyvbjerg Nørrelykke, ..., Arnold von EckardsteinArteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Volume 37, Issue 52017DOI: 10.1161/atvbaha.117.309284
"Bioimage data analysis"F. Cordelières, K. Miura, C. Möhl, C. Monzel, S Nørrelykke, ..., S. TosiViley-VCH, Verlag-GmbH, Volume 69469, Issue , Pages 2016
"Harmonic oscillator in heat bath: Exact simulation of time-lapse-recorded data and exact analytical benchmark statistics"Simon F. Nørrelykke, Henrik FlyvbjergPhysical Review E, Volume 83, Issue 42011DOI: 10.1103/physreve.83.041103
"Power spectrum analysis with least-squares fitting: Amplitude bias and its elimination, with application to optical tweezers and atomic force microscope cantilevers"Simon F. Nørrelykke, Henrik FlyvbjergReview of Scientific Instruments, Volume 81, Issue 72010DOI: 10.1063/1.3455217
"The cytoskeleton: I-beams of the cell"Joshua Shaevitz, Simon NørrelykkePhysics Today, Volume 63, Issue 22010DOI: 10.1063/1.3326997
"Persistent Cell Motion in the Absence of External Signals: A Search Strategy for Eukaryotic Cells"Liang Li, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Edward C. CoxPLoS ONE, Volume 3, Issue 52008DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002093
"Cell motility as random motion: A review"D. Selmeczi, L. Li, L. I.I. Pedersen, Simon F. Nørrelykke, P. H. Hagedorn, S. Mosler, N. B. Larsen, E. C. Cox & H. FlyvbjergThe European Physical Journal Special Topics, Volume 157, Issue , Pages 1--152008
"Surface Forces and Drag Coefficients of Microspheres near a Plane Surface Measured with Optical Tweezers"Erik Schäffer, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Jonathon HowardLangmuir, Volume 23, Issue 72007DOI: 10.1021/la0622368
"Brownian Motion after Einstein: Some new applications and new experiments"D. Selmeczi, S. Nørrelykke, E. Schäffer, P.H. Hagedorn, S. Mosler, K. Berg-Sørensen, N.B. Larsen & H. Flyvbjerg Controlled Nanoscale Motion: Nobel Symposium 131, Volume , Issue , Pages 181--1992007
"Calibration of optical tweezers with positional detection in the back focal plane"Simon F. Tolić-Nørrelykke, Erik Schäffer, Jonathon Howard, Francesco S. Pavone, Frank Jülicher, Henrik FlyvbjergReview of Scientific Instruments, Volume 77, Issue 102006DOI: 10.1063/1.2356852
"Stepwise Bending of DNA by a Single TATA-Box Binding Protein"Simon F. Tolić-Nørrelykke, Mette B. Rasmussen, Francesco S. Pavone, Kirstine Berg-Sørensen, Lene B. OddershedeBiophysical Journal, Volume 90, Issue 102006DOI: 10.1529/biophysj.105.074856
"Diversity in the Rates of Transcript Elongation by Single RNA Polymerase Molecules*"Simon F. Tolić-Nørrelykke, Anita M. Engh, Robert Landick, Jeff GellesJournal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 279, Issue 52004DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m310290200
"Self-organized critical system with no stationary attractor state"Simon F. Nørrelykke, Per BakPhysical Review E, Volume 65, Issue 32002DOI: 10.1103/physreve.65.036147
"Optical Tweezers: Probing Biological Surfaces"Lene Oddershede, Sonia Grego, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Kirstine Berg-SørensenProbe Microscopy, Volume , Issue 2000
"Dynamics of money"Per Bak, Simon F. Nørrelykke, Martin ShubikPhysical Review E, Volume 60, Issue 31999DOI: 10.1103/physreve.60.2528