
  • Advanced analysis of complex bioimages
  • Collaborate on projects with Quad-based HMS research labs
  • Train the next generation of bioimage analysts
  • Teach bioimage analysis to life scientists
  • Build and support bioimage analysis communities

The Image Analysis Collaboratory (IAC) at Harvard Medical School started operating in September 2022. We specialize in the quantitative analysis of biomedical images—be that image restoration, object detection, segmentation, co-localization analysis, tracking, classification, or related matters. We apply and develop methods in classical bioimage analysis, deep learning, and spatial statistics—in-house or with the help of our friends and collaborators. We aim to serve as a local/global clearinghouse for bioimage analysis methods, connecting image-data owners with image-analysis practitioners. The core members of the Image Analysis Collaboratory are physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, and life scientist with an algorithmic bent: A group of people with diverse backgrounds, united in our desire to extract maximum information from images (in finite time) and interest in teaching best practices.
