Introduction to Image Analysis using ImageJ/Fiji


The Image Analysis Collaboratory and Nikon Imaging Center are running a workshop over two consecutive afternoons: Introduction to image analysis using ImageJ/Fiji. Participation will be limited to 14 people. The format will be a combination of tutorials and hands-on exercises (you will need a laptop with a decent size screen and admin privileges).


Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th December 2022. From 1 PM to 5 PM.


Harvard Medical School. Building C (on the Quad). Room C-517 (day 1) and C-439 (day 2)




None, except a laptop and interest in learning some bioimage analysis. If you are already somewhat advanced (you code your own workflows), this level is perhaps not for you.


  1. introduction to digital image analysis, w. focus on bio-images
  2. enhancing images
  3. making measurements
  4. image ethics & reproducibility
  5. recording and modifying simple macros
  6. Topic you vote on in advance (deep learning, co-localisation, tracking, …)


Free of charge.


Please apply for a seat by completing this form. You will receive an automated email confirmation and you can edit your application after submitting.

Deadline for application:

11:59 pm on Monday 28th, November 2022.


Mostly based on your short motivation. In case of oversubscription, the available spaces will be distributed evenly between groups. You will be informed by email about your application no later than Friday 2nd of December.

Looking forward to see you there, Federico Gasparoli and Simon F. Nørrelykke