Quad Labs Definitions
Quad A
Faculty with
both (1) a
primary appointment in an Harvard Medical School (HMS) preclinical department and (2)
their lab located on the HMS Quadrangle.
- Primary Appointment in an HMS Preclinical Department
The faculty member must hold their main, official position in a preclinical department of HMS (can also hold secondary appointments elsewhere).
- Primary Job Location on the HMS Quadrangle
The faculty member’s lab must be physically located in one of the HMS Quadrangle buildings.
Buildings like Goldenson, LHRRB, Armenise or C Building are examples of HMS Quadrangle locations, while buildings like HSDM, HSPH, FAS or BIDMC are examples of non HMS Quadrangle locations (see the map below).
Quad B/C/E
Quad B
Faculty with the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor who hold a primary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is not on the HMS Quadrangle.
Quad C
Faculty with the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor who hold a secondary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is either on or off the HMS Quadrangle.
Quad E
Faculty with the rank of Emeritus who hold a primary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is either on or off the HMS Quadrangle.
NOTE: Faculty whose labs are in HMS space rented by an affiliate institution are considered located off of the HMS Quadrangle.