Quad Labs Definitions

Quad A

Faculty with both (1) a primary appointment in an Harvard Medical School (HMS) preclinical department and (2) their lab located on the HMS Quadrangle.

  1. Primary Appointment in an HMS Preclinical Department
  2. The faculty member must hold their main, official position in a preclinical department of HMS (can also hold secondary appointments elsewhere).

  3. Primary Job Location on the HMS Quadrangle
  4. The faculty member’s lab must be physically located in one of the HMS Quadrangle buildings. Buildings like Goldenson, LHRRB, Armenise or C Building are examples of HMS Quadrangle locations, while buildings like HSDM, HSPH, FAS or BIDMC are examples of non HMS Quadrangle locations (see the map below).

Quad A

Quad B/C/E

Quad B
Faculty with the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor who hold a primary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is not on the HMS Quadrangle.
Quad C
Faculty with the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor who hold a secondary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is either on or off the HMS Quadrangle.
Quad E
Faculty with the rank of Emeritus who hold a primary appointment in a preclinical department and whose primary job location is either on or off the HMS Quadrangle.